My work is at the intersection of leadership, influence and trust. I'm fascinated by the intangibles that strengthen relationships and help take performance to the next level.
How can leaders bring teams together to achieve extraordinary results? What do all great organizations have in common, whether they realize it or not? How do we consistently and effectively get people to listen, follow, buy-in and take the next step?
Now I'm sharing my insights with individuals and teams at leading organizations around the world, including the United Nations, and some of the world's most iconic and admired companies, such as Bell Canada, Boeing, Chevron, Cisco, DuPont, EY, and Microsoft, to name just a few.
Working alongside some of the business world's leading thinkers and researchers – including Simon Sinek's team (Leadership & Culture), Dr. Robert Cialdini (Influence) and Charles H. Green (Trust-Based Relationships) – I am now the only person in the world officially delivering keynotes and evidence-based workshops in all three of the following topics:
+ Leadership & Culture (Start With Why)
Heath is an official Igniter Partner with the Simon Sinek's Start With Why team. As one of the leaders of the movement, Heath travels the world to deliver keynotes, workshops and leadership training based on Simon's best-selling books, "Start with Why" and "Leaders Eat Last."
+ Influence (Dr. Cialdini, Influence At Work)
Starting in 2006, Heath was the only person in Canada certified to deliver the Principles of Persuasion Workshop, the evidence-based influence training program designed by Dr. Robert Cialdini.
+ Trust-Based Partnerships (The Trusted Advisor)
Starting in 2016, Heath is joining forces with Best Practice Learning Solutions, the exclusive Canadian partner of Trusted Advisor Associates and the home of Charlie Green, renowned author of the best-selling book "The Trusted Advisor". As a partner with BPLS, Heath guarantees that you get the tools and core messages of the award-winning Trusted Advisor program.
Joining Simon Sinek’s team
Work vs. “Real Life”
“How do you define great customer service?”
Heath earned his undergraduate business degree from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. With a focus on human rights education and fundraising, he works extensively with non-profits. Among his favorites is the Montreal JEM Workshop, an adapted needs workplace that provides employment and hope to the mentally and physically challenged. Want to know even more? Check this out.
RT @curious_founder: Researchers just found that gas stoves are responsible for 12.7% of childhood asthma cases. Recently I read dozen… https://t.co/hAXBWqs1dW
Yet another gem 💎 https://t.co/G1MwUtln8w